A Naughty New Year

A Naughty New Year by Kathryn R Blake

It’s almost the Lunar New Year – what better time to enjoy Kathryn R Blake’s novella, A Naughty New Year. This story is available as part of the Mischief under the Mistletoe anthology.


Even good deeds can get you punished.

Kelly Evans is nearly six months pregnant when her Dom husband, Jim, suggests they invite their closest friends over for a private New Year's Eve party. Just a friendly get together, nothing kinky, and no champagne for either of the girls, since Kelly's friend, Tiffany, was a month along further than she was. Given it's New Year's Eve, Kelly feels Jim's no-champagne edict isn't fair, but Jim warns her if she goes against his wishes, she will be punished. Though Kelly understands Jim's reasoning, she still feels he's merely being over-protective, and as much as she loves him a sip of champagne never hurt anyone. That is until now.

Disclaimer: A Naughty New Year is intended for mature readers. 18 and over only! Scenes include spanking adult women. If such content may offend, please do not buy this book. 

Buy the anthology here: Amazon


Kelly had told him often enough how much she hated being relegated to the guest bedroom, and as much as he preferred she sleep by his side, he would need to insist if she didn't submit, though he suspected neither of them would get much rest. In fact, he doubted she would last more than an hour apart from him, even if she chose that alternative.

"I don't want to go back in there," she admitted.

"And I'd prefer you stayed with me, but there are conditions for that, Kelly."

Her head lowered. "I know." As tears streamed down her cheeks, the robe dropped to the floor. "How do you want me positioned?"

Leaning over, he grabbed two of the pillows near the headboard. Rolling the first into a bolster, he laid it at the edge of the bed. "Bend over this so your belly rests on the other side of it. I'll place another just beneath your breasts.

She lay down as he directed, making no further appeal for clemency despite her trembling.

Once she was properly positioned and as comfortable as she could be in her situation, he ran a hand along the length of her spine. She shivered slightly, but didn't move.

"Good girl," he praised. "Now, tell me why you are here."

She hesitated long enough that he didn't think she'd answer, when she murmured, "Because I disobeyed you by drinking champagne."

"Correct. And why did you decide to disobey me?"

"Because it was New Years, and I didn't think a small sip would hurt me or the baby."

"Was that your decision to make?"

"I thought it was, but I guess not," she sniffed.

Since she couldn't see his face, Jim allowed a smile to curve his lips even as he kept his voice stern. "Trust me. It wasn't." When she didn't argue, he continued, "All right. Five whacks. I want you to count each one aloud, please. I will not deliver the next one until you've called out the previous stroke. If I sense you are deliberately holding back in an effort to delay your punishment. I will add strokes. Any questions?"

More about Kathryn R Blake

Although Kathryn is relatively new to the spanking romance market, she is not new to stories where the hero spanks the heroine. In fact, most of her novels have some sort of spanking in them. However, even in Kathryn's novels where the hero firmly believes in using spanking as a deterrent, he has no desire to cause the heroine injury and takes no delight in hurting the woman of his heart. In fact, sometimes he finds it extremely difficult to follow through on his threats or promises.

To date, all of her heroes are dominant, alpha males who are extremely protective of the women they love. However, part of that protectiveness includes the need for a certain amount of control. They do not suffer defiance or disobedience lightly. Even so, these men aren't infallible, and they do make mistakes, but love and respect will always triumph in the end.

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