This thing we do - be it simple B&D or full on BDSM - has been around for a very long time. I’m currently researching the practice in the 1920’s and here are a only a few of some of the images that have popped up.
More random photos
This says it all! The alpha submissive
Every so often I come across something like this that articulates perfectly the dynamics of TTWD.
I found this on Pinterest without attribution. It this is your image, please let me know so I can give you credit for such a beautiful meme.
Where have I been?
Busy busy busy writing. Time for some more photos!
Random picks from the internet.
Are any of these photos yours? I'd love to know the artist to give credit where credit is due!
A long time between photos
I found these on another site without attribution. If you know whose work they are, I'd love to give them proper credit.
Work in progress - Winning Sadie
The draft of my second novel, a sequel to Simon Says, is almost finished. At the end of book one, Simon has proposed and Sadie has accepted. The engagement party is barely over when Sadie tells Simon she doesn't think she can marry him. She's looking for reassurance, of course, and Simon knows just the way to win her back.
Painted yourself into a corner?
Corner time is a dreaded part of domestic discipline.
It's kind to let a poor girl sit down, if she can.
What is your Easter tradition?
In case you failed to observe Flogging Monday this year, you may want to note this Easter Monday tradition for future reference:
In the Czech Republic and Slovakia a very odd tradition takes place on Easter Monday. The day, known as ‘flogging Monday’ or Dyngus, begins when young men visit their female friends and whip their butts with sapling branches. The whip, known as a Pomlázka, is a selection of fresh pussywillow branches with coloured ribbons attached at one end. The Pomlazka symbolises fertility. Considered as part of a traditional courting ritual the young men demand treats and vodka before they whip the girls. In some regions it is even customary to douse the girls in cold water too. Oh Eastern Europe, maybe go easy on the vodka?
Source: Slapped Ham
Other classic cartoons
Simon says Sadie must ask for it
In book two of the Simon Says series, Simon demands that Sadie ask for a spanking she has more than earned. Will she ask him? And how? Maybe she'll phone it in.
Research anyone?
Whenever I’m writing my domestic discipline stories, I find it helps to look at pictures of what I’m trying to describe. Here are two photos that I found in Tumblr posted by GiraffeDogCat. They illustrate what is happening now in scenes in book 2 of the Simon Says series.
At one point, Simon has trapped Sadie’s legs with his right leg. I imagine her bottom looks just like this when his hand lands.
The other photo shows what I think might be a view from under the table in a subsequent scene.
Of course I’m doing lots of other ‘hands on’ research but I won’t say whose hands are where.
While we're talking about hairbrushes
Two of my scenes on Saturday Spankings (see blogs Feb 5 and 26th) have focused on hairbrush spankings. In that vein I bring you:
One hundred strokes a night would make the naughtiest woman rethink her behaviour. Thanks to the Red Rump site for this great old advertisement. Although that site is more about women giving spankings than receiving them.
Recent photo, ancient method. I present the switch -
In my book, Simon Says, Simon uses a switch on Sadie in the woods. Research tells me this is a very painful way for a girl to take her medicine.
And now for something a little more modern
I'd call this design a work of art, wouldn't you?
Dark art!
More B&W Classics - from the same era?
How old is this photo?
Apparently it's Swedish before 1858. All I can say is even with all those skirts on - OUCH! A bundle of switches like that is going to hurt something awful.
19th Century or ....?
The expressions of the women watching add to the mood of this painting. I have no idea whose work it is. Any thoughts?
Black & white classic
This image must be from the 1950's or 60's. Have you seen it before? Any idea of its history?
Where it all started
I didn't see this cover of the September 1975 issue of National Lampoon (I believe the artist was Bernie Lettick). When my boyfriend Gavin sent it to me in the form of a greeting card, almost ten years later, I knew he was the one for me. Over twenty-five years later he still knows how to warm my...uh...heart.