What is love?

What is love? What is romance?

Last week in the Facebook group, Sexy Spanking Reads, there was a heated discussion about the ‘rules of writing romance.’ My first thought was, “There aren’t any.”
Yes there are rules about writing. Every writer should have proficiency in language. A command of grammar, spelling, and basic story structure is the writer’s equivalent of a musician learning the scales.

Once a writer has mastered essential skills then they get to break some of the rules. The person who posed the question of whether or not the rules had changed asked if examples like cheating and open relationships as fall outside the romance genre.
For all that neither of those situations appeal to me, I can’t decide for others.
Art should be dynamic, challenging and evolving. Different takes on the genre will appeal to different readers.
What is the most romantic thing that has ever happened to you or someone you know? Here’s mine and I have no doubt it won’t be everyone’s idea of romance:
My loving husband has surprised me many times with his ability to make me feel cared for and wanted. The most romantic thing he’s ever done? Years ago we did an 18,000 km camping trip around the Australia outback. One of the most upsetting sights to me was the road kill: animals hit by speeding cars. It wasn’t the dead animals that worried me.
It was the gorgeous wedge-tailed eagles that would land to feed on the carcasses that were upsetting. These eagles are huge, with wing spans up to 2.8 m (9 foot). They can only lift off the ground in the direction they are facing so if a car comes barreling down the highway and the birds are having their fast food lunch and not looking that way, they become a second tragedy.
What did my husband do? Every time we saw a carcas on the highway, he stopped the car, donned gloves, and dragged the eagle-snack far enough off the road so the birds could land safely.
I never loved him more than I did in those moments. And my love for him has grown stronger since then.
But that’s us - two strong people with similar sensibilities in love. While I consider our love and relationship to be extremely romantic, it wouldn’t appeal to a lot of people because they may not care as much about the wild world as we do.
Also our love wouldn’t make much of a novel because there is little conflict between us, even if we do have power exchanges that spice up our intimacy.💝