#SatSpanks - A gentle landing

This excerpt is from my book, Holding Cynthia. Poor Cynthia couldn’t lie still when Antony held her over his knee so he bent her over the bed for more serious treatment (edited):

Cynthia's ass burned but Antony kept spanking, his large, muscular hands raining down on her until her entire consciousness was filled with nothing but the pain and the sense of him possessing her. Then, to her horror, he started to lightly flick the top of her thighs. Being spanked on the bottom was bad. The thighs were one hundred times more sensitive. A thousand. She closed her eyes, gasped again, steeling herself for whatever horrible thing was coming next.

And then he stopped. He sat on the bed and helped her up to stand. He pulled up her panties and jeans before drawing her down to sit beside him. “You’re a good girl,” he said. “You took your spanking well for a first timer.”

When he embraced her, the entire world disappeared as she sheltered in his arms. She loved the smell of him, the deepness of his voice, the way he banished her worries to another dimension.

Buy link – Amazon

Want more great spanking snippets? Please visit these other blogs:

Read Ronnie Doyle’s (from Seeing Ronnie) interview with Antony Jacobson about his relationship with Cynthia in this exclusive blog post on the Blushing Books’ site: Holding Cynthia - blog. 

Don’t miss these other great books & stories from me and Blushing Books:

Romancing the Coast series:

Seeing Ronnie, (book) 1

Simon in Charge series –

Simon in Charge – 3 book box set

Or buy the books individually (available for free on Kindle Unlimited)

Simon Says

Winning Sadie (book 2) – also available on Audible

Sadie Says I Do (book 3)

Short story:

A Prairie Promise (in the A Spanking Good New Year anthology from Blushing Books)