Cal's Law by PK Corey

If you know PK Corey and her books, it won’t surprise you to learn that her latest, Cal’s Law, is getting great reviews. If the excerpt that follows here isn’t enough, you can read more on her blog here or by following the links from the Saturday Spankings blog.

He was too old for her, and she was too much of a spoiled little rich girl for him.


Jenny is the typical rich-kid, sorority girl. Getting good grades isn’t high on her priority list. In fact, that sits well below getting into the secret faction of her sorority. To do that she must pull off a daring bit of mischief.

Cal Bennett is the town sheriff. He’s a relatively young, no-nonsense, kind of guy – with a heart of gold. He is the moral center of this small town in North Carolina. But when his and Jenny’s paths cross unexpectedly, things get complicated and he questions his morals and his heart.

His plan to save Jenny from herself by enforcing strict discipline seems like a sound one.  To both of them. At first. He enacts a touch of martial law and Jenny agrees to learn more than English Lit. Cooking, cleaning, and laundry are but a few of her new subjects. Along with time-management, telling the truth and doing homework. Breaking any one in this new set of rules will result in a sound spanking. It all sounds simple enough when she signs on the dotted line of the contract between her and her sheriff.

But, life is messy and she is faced with one tough decision after another. She’s a college student! Shouldn’t life be easier than this? Less complicated? But she is pulled in two directions: her moral, upstanding sheriff leads her down one path, and a cute frat boy leads her down another. In one direction lies maturity, and a future. In the other, the simplicity of being a rich kid in college where Mommy and Daddy pay for everything. Now she must choose: Will she continue to let her parents pay for it all, or will she learn to pay the price for her own actions?

Publishers’ note: Cal’s Law is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blushing Books’ or the author’s advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or spanking of minors.


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Cal followed Jenny to her room silently. Jenny grabbed a few things before glancing back at him. “You looked pissed. Are you mad at me? I didn’t do anything.”

Ignoring her questions Cal said, “Just hurry.”

Jenny grabbed make-up and her toothbrush and crammed them in with the clothes, computer and cords she’d packed and quickly followed Cal out of the building. Still he remained silent and Jenny began to feel uncomfortable.

“Are you sure this place is going to have room for me this late?”

“She’ll have room,” Cal answered briefly.

What was wrong? Was this his work mode? Whatever it was she didn’t like this side of him. Quickly she blurted out, “If you’re mad at me tell me why. If you act like you’re pissed all the time you’re working, it’s no wonder everyone hates cops.”

Cal glared at her just before pulling up to a large clapboard house. “You didn’t tell me how bad it was. You never said you got in a fight this morning and slapped someone. When you said you wanted to move you never told me they were violent.” Cal’s voice got louder, “You never said that I was sending you back into a dangerous situation.”

“Don’t yell at me!” Jenny snapped back. “It wasn’t violent until tonight so don’t take that tone and try to blame me. You don’t need to get your panties in such a wad.”

Cal realized he was blaming the wrong person and his face showed it. “All right, I’m sorry. And I don’t wear panties,” he growled.

“Really?” Jenny grinned, “Me either sometimes.”

Jenny was happy to see a slight blush on Cal’s face before he exited the car.

PK Corey in her own words:

The love of writing came to me late in life and I spent time trying to fit writing into a busy schedule. Recently I retired, the kids are out and on their own and my wonderful husband encourages me to spend more time exploring the world of writing. 

I always hear you should write what you want to read, so I have. I write loving domestic discipline with the stress on ‘loving’. I want a strong man who cherishes the woman he loves and will go to any length to keep her safe and protected.

 My Cassie’s Space series shows a mature couple who are deeply in love. Despite loving Cassie’s free spirited ways Tom is determination to keep her safe, even if it takes a trip over his knee. My new series, Cal’s Law, is about a younger couple. Though they come from very different backgrounds, love and discipline draw them together.

Connect with PK Corey:  

Amazon author page

PK Corey’s Reading Room –


Twitter: @pkcorey

Questions and answers with PK Corey:

1. When did writing become important to you?

I discovered spanking blogs just over ten years ago. They really caught my interest and they stirred a desire to write some of the stories that had long been in my head. I wrote my first story after I turned fifty.

2. Do you view writing as a career?

I’ve recently retired from teaching, so I can’t say I see writing as a true career yet, but it’s more important to me than just a hobby.

3. What puts you in the best mood to write?

I’m alone at home, fresh cup of coffee, turn on the gas logs, convince the cats to lay on my feet and not the keyboard and I’m ready to write.

4. You’ve written nine books in the Cassie series and this book begins a new series. What draws you to writing series.

I’ve been an avid reader since I was about ten. I’ve never put down a book I enjoyed without asking, ‘But then what happened?’ Now I get to do the writing and I can answer that question.  I really get into my characters and I want my readers to get to know them just as well. I like series to be able to show how the characters grow and develop and change over time.

5. Do you have any advice for other writers?

Not everyone will be able to use my first pieces of advice, but they are: Love your kids dearly, then get them grown and out of the house! Secondly, retire. Those two things have helped the most. After that I’d say make a time to write every day that you can. You may decide it’s awful and discard it, but write anyway – the next day you could be brilliant.