Thank you for visiting my website and reading this short excerpt from novel Winning Sadie, published by Blushing Books.
Today Sadie is paying dearly for keeping secrets:
“…However I am angry not to have learned about this sooner, like maybe the week you accepted my proposal?”
“I’m sorry,” she repeated and squirmed, trying to avoid the hand that was roasting her bottom.
“Not as sorry as you’re going to be.” He spanked harder and faster.
At one point she lifted her hands to protect herself, to try to stop the stinging redness that was spreading over her upper thighs and cheeks.
“Take your hands away.” His tone was implacable. This was a test of her obedience.
Winning Sadie is book two in the Simon in Charge series but can be read as a standalone novel.
Buy links:
Amazon │Blushing Books │Barnes & Noble
Book one, Simon Says, is available for free on Kindle Unlimited for a limited time. Or it may be purchased from Amazon for an amazing 99¢
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